Please add the possibility to enter URL's as a function/action for buttons/images. This way it would be very easy to, for example, place links to related websites (i.e. sources) and a button to toggle to a "fullscreen-mode" (?chromeless=1).
Please allow Azure AD B2B guest users who have access to an App on Power BI Service to subscribe to email notifications.
Allow tables, matrix, graphs to have a defined, fixed width. Let that width be preserved after updating/refreshing/slicing/filtering data so that alignment of multiple visuals can be preserved.
We need possibility hide visual level filters which we want to keep readonly
currently it is not possible to create an org content pack once and deploy it on multiple datasources (e.g. dev, test and production) it would be great to see the same parameters as in the public packs
in some corporate companies need to restrict whats ip's or computers can access power bi services. For example a bank. Can we have something like this? The admin will have the control and make a range of ips that can access power bi services.
Custom Visuals for KPI's are emerging, and it would be fantastic if it was possible to define another PowerBi page, that you wil be directed to when clicking the KPI/Visual. The other page will then show much more detail and give the needed overview.
Please support OData Data Refresh - including custom Power Query formulas inclusing OData.Feed
Charts often benefit from showing upper/lower control lines that show a certain number of deviations from the average. A common example is a funnel plot, essentially an extension of a bubble chart but allowing individual series to have their own plot. See here for an example in Excel:http://www.k...