The standard slicer takes up a lot of real estate. I like using the horizontal orientation to create the "button" effect, but they take up so much space. Please make them smaller. Thanks.
It would be great if there was a way to create a weighted average. For example, if you have units and prices which vary, it would be great to have a quick and easy way to create a weighted average price when you slice the data. It would basically be a sumproduct of the units and prices divided by...
Allow to layer data over zones, IT sales staff in a state or zip code, create custom zones and add other list geo data, stores, homes etc.
Allow IT professionals to publish custom templates for reports (IE a well production report with certain applicable charts). It should be able to show up in Get Data and operate like the existing SQL Audit/Google Analytics/Other precaned report.)
When I connect to a new data source and don't really know the structure of the data, I have no idea what questions I can ask. I should get some suggestions or a list of what fields are in the data, etc.
Please add this operation. It is extremely useful in case of Datasets to monitor refreshes and even more important for me to check whether the refresh is stil going on or is already finished (and with what status). Based on this information I can either rerun the refresh or initialize following d...
When executing queries with Native Database Queries (with User written / supplied SQL code), Power BI will EXECUTE the same, full length, SQL-based query TWICE against Teradata. This puts extra burden on the Teradata system's resources (CPU, Memory, I/O, etc.) and utilization. When large volume o...
Vote for this idea if you want the ability to join or append tables together in Dataflows without having a Premium Capacity available.
There should be a way to share datasets across the different workspaces. This may be loaded to a global environment and related to capacity, it would use the capacity based on which workspace accesses it. The benefit of this is to maintain some master datasets with calculations within them wh...
The ability to hide the visual header has improved the look of the online reports in reading view, however the inability to export the data (e.g. in a table or when viewing source) has been removed with the visual header. Can an option/button to export be added in reading view.