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Functionality is required to hide visual level filters

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on 15 Jul 2016 14:41:09

We need possibility hide visual level filters which we want to keep readonly

Comments (5)
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4065f2c8 9a91-4732-9042-92e5e59825d7 on 05 Jul 2020 23:46:46

RE: Functionality is required to hide visual level filters

What is the purpose of the new 'Hide Filter' option in the Desktop app if the visual filter is still present when it's deployed? Or is there a separate configuration required to enable this feature?

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bc8fbab0 8e50-4db1-9e15-14a26901e04e on 05 Jul 2020 23:12:54

RE: Functionality is required to hide visual level filters

Would be helpful if report owners had an ability to control individual level filters. It's confusing for the end user especially for instances when visual and report level filters are same.

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2320afed 7beb-46bf-8b14-63ac63508321 on 05 Jul 2020 23:06:40

RE: Functionality is required to hide visual level filters

I agree. I don't necessarily need to filter on every item that is displayed. And if there are too many items that are displayed, then the filter list is too long and goes past the bottom of the screen.

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58e18f00 62e3-434e-b8d8-209971c90ade on 05 Jul 2020 22:34:03

RE: Functionality is required to hide visual level filters

The behavior of the visual level filter is somewhat confusing to me.
I would expect the visual level filter to override report or page level filter or slicer or criteria set by other visuals on the page.

In my particular case, I have a slicer on field [Region] and I have a visual level filter set to [Region] is "A", "B", or "C". My visual level filter does not stick when I change my slicer. I would expect it to stick as it is an override.

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103a5a6e c9de-40eb-9a8c-71a861564c51 on 05 Jul 2020 22:28:30

RE: Functionality is required to hide visual level filters

This is a must. Just because a field is used in a visualization, doesn't mean we want to allow it to be filtered.