Hi, I cannot get data from Zendesk using the Power BI Zendesk Beta plugin anymore, because Zendesk has changed their API, and Power BI will have to make some adjustments for it to work. It's mentioned here: https://develop.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022563994--BREAKING-New-Search-API-Re...
Please add ODBC data source connectors for Dataflows. Many of our queries connect through ODBC drivers because direct access to the DB2 database is not allowed through the DB2 driver.
In Excel, you have the option of deciding what a Data Label shows, such as the series, category, or value. In Power BI Line Chart it only allows you to display the value. Please add in more granular options to allow Series/Category to display instead.
I have been using Query Parameters on my Embedded reports for a while now, which is great! Now I have been asked to default the parameter but allow users to select others. The problem here is query paramater sets a report filters values, and inturn the values available to the slicer are filtere...
Add data connector support for SugarCRM as an alternative to Microsoft Dynamics CRM / Salesforce.
When creating an app I only get a select few colors to choose from. I want to be able to choose a specific color here.
Currently when a value is much smaller than the other values in the bar chart, the smaller value will not able to display in the data label. It is important to show all values in the chart to have consistency.
Support automated installation and registration of Data Gateway(s). Thus could be via a command-line tool or a Powershell Module, but preferably supported using Powershell DSC resource. Also see: Automation of Gateway Password https://ideas.powerbi.com/forums/265200-power-bi-ideas/sug...
I want to force to model to use English language for large values that represent in the model with shortcuts "M" and "K" (Millions,Thousands), but instead in some computers the browser display I get is in English and other in our local language. It would be very helpful if we can change the lang...
There are several ideas pointing out the desperate need for formatting options (mainly the size of the indicator and the goals). However maybe the KPI visuals need more of revamp. It is common that you want to compare a KPI to more than one value. For example current sales vs forecast, vs prev...