Currently to sort table by an attribute, you would need to add column. We are interested in ability to sort by attribute without showing the attribute. This would be done by Power User creating the report and can still be overwritten by consumer if they desire to sort by other attribute present i...
Would it be possible to add UK sub-national codes and shape files to clearly identify area to give a clear geo-spatial reference to data. Office of national Statistics have standard codes and names fro Statistical wards, Upper, Middle and Lower super output areas across the UK, and would be helpf...
Please provide a Java SDK or some samples that show how to deal with the app tokens for PowerBI embedded
I want to be able to use the map as a slicer as well so when I choose a city in the map, the other charts will show ONLY the related fields not highlight them, exactly like a slicer works today but in the map directly so I do not need to create a slicer in addition to the map for the same data
Need a way to show the currently applied report filter on the dashboard. Currently the applied report and page filters are hidden if you try to print out the report.
Users want to use any metric against a set of time that is dynamic. Thus, we'd like to have calculated members so we can create YTD or MTD or same week last year or any time set that can be used with any metric. Currently the functions force the model to put YTD with one metric and to do YTD with...
previously we can do column sorting in any tile, latest version need go into report then can do sorting, can enable back the sorting within the tile, it show a sorting icon when click on the column in latest version, but no function. thanks
According to this site (, please make available to add also custom visuals. At the moment its not supported yet ( "this visual type is not yet supported or cannot be displayed due to s...
I would love to have support for many to many filtering for SQL Server direct query
Create a drill all up button that reverts the hierarchy drill down of a report. You should also take in consideration the position of the buttons, currently the drill all down button is near the drill up button and far from the drill down button. Shouldn't it be the opposite? Also automatically...