Sometimes we need to do demos on dashboards where we need to keep the background data anonymized and indexed. While we can hide the axis and legends, it would be great if we can hide the tooltips so that the sensitive info is not exposed when we hover over the graphs.
Application Insights data can hold a ton of data reported to it in real-time. This is something not usually seen in SQL stores. Adding the ability to query it directly through Kusto queries in PowerBI would give an amazing real-time look into application data, telemetry, etc.
We're getting more control over axis and axis labels, which is great! What we still need is the ability to control alignment. Currently, alignment is automatically determined based on where your axis is positioned. I need the ability to specify the alignment of my labels. For a standard bar ch...
Give me the basic ability to find out where my datasets and reports came from. Currently, after you upload a pbix to the service you can get no information about it. It might as well have come from the moon. "Settings are not available for datasets that did not come from a file." How is t...
Include support for the R package 'ggmap' to improve options for point and line/route analysis and presentation from various online sources (e.g Google Maps and Stamen Maps) - see
Allow Designers and Report owners to disable email subscriptions on their reports.
it's great that MS released the content pack for Incidents - I want to merge additional data from CMDB (and other modules of ServieNow).
Currently we can use Parameters only on the Desktop version. Enable parameters on Cloud too. So that users can use it like dynamic filters (like we have prompts in MicroStrategy )
There is a glitch or bug that display a "Blank" option for slicers that is pulling data from a list that contains in fact no blank data. There should be an option to remove this blank option from being selected. It looks very amateur to present the slicers I have with a blank option to be selecte...
With the function Table.ExpandTableColumn, a column with nested tables can be expanded. However, the data types of the columns of the nested tables are not applied to the new columns after expansion. This behaviour is different from Table.ExpandRecordColumn, where data types of the nested record...