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Sort table by Column not present in table

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Sepand Gojgini's profile image

Sepand Gojgini on 04 Jun 2016 05:01:24

Currently to sort table by an attribute, you would need to add column. We are interested in ability to sort by attribute without showing the attribute. This would be done by Power User creating the report and can still be overwritten by consumer if they desire to sort by other attribute present in table.

Comments (4)
Sepand Gojgini's profile image Profile Picture

1fac0baf 9610-4152-8bad-924d339565a1 on 06 Jul 2020 00:09:53

RE: Sort table by Column not present in table

Beef up the Matrix hierarchical sorting functionality as per: 

Sepand Gojgini's profile image Profile Picture

dfc3a835 b80f-45ac-b2c7-6d82f8fc9ddd on 05 Jul 2020 23:17:26

RE: Sort table by Column not present in table

This would be very helpful in Matrix when displaying in stepped view.
Stepped view does not allow to use the sorting defined in data table

Sepand Gojgini's profile image Profile Picture

05dc18f5 72e0-4e74-991f-884837d56c5e on 05 Jul 2020 23:07:59

RE: Sort table by Column not present in table

If this is an issue with the way the query is done in the backend, at least have the ability for us to sort by all columns available in the filter for the table. Other BI products like MicroStategy have had this capability for over 10 years now.

Sepand Gojgini's profile image Profile Picture

e6ee7bf5 d253-4b28-973e-65f9004eea12 on 05 Jul 2020 22:52:25

RE: Sort table by Column not present in table

Agree - we have a few scenarios where we want to sort by a column( e.g. RANK) but not display the rank value