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"calculated members"

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Doug the data guy's profile image

Doug the data guy on 23 Mar 2016 23:04:03

Users want to use any metric against a set of time that is dynamic. Thus, we'd like to have calculated members so we can create YTD or MTD or same week last year or any time set that can be used with any metric. Currently the functions force the model to put YTD with one metric and to do YTD with a different metric, you have to define it as a new measure. We want to apply these calculated members against any measure. Apparently calculated members can be created in MDX but not in DAX, which is more used in Power BI modeling.

Comments (4)
Doug the data guy's profile image Profile Picture

982b9340 2249-4092-be16-48163ec15e6a on 05 Jul 2020 23:32:38

RE: "calculated members"

The work around for this is to build a "Time Period" table with dates in it. Then when a user selected the "YTD" time period, it will show all dates in the time period. It's not perfect but the nice thing about this is that it applies automatically to all measures.

Doug the data guy's profile image Profile Picture

01ad5a0b 72e2-441c-8b08-9d1036f9cc50 on 05 Jul 2020 23:29:32

RE: "calculated members"

Support to Calculated Members in Dimension that can be created is SSAS Multi Dimensional Cube is must, showing any YTD, MTD, QTD, YoY etc. side by side with Months members in Grid or Matrix view is not possible in current versions of Power BI

Doug the data guy's profile image Profile Picture

6dba526f af3d-4d2a-afd2-094da3bce204 on 05 Jul 2020 22:45:53

RE: "calculated members"

I agree, this is a must!

Doug the data guy's profile image Profile Picture

8f90ff41 8ccc-4dbb-be8e-10b168460954 on 05 Jul 2020 22:30:29

RE: "calculated members"

Power BI does not support calculated members created in a multi-dimensional cube in Analysis Services. They do not show up. This needs to be changed!