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Alignment controls for Axis Labels

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on 22 Apr 2017 02:51:27

We're getting more control over axis and axis labels, which is great! What we still need is the ability to control alignment. Currently, alignment is automatically determined based on where your axis is positioned.

I need the ability to specify the alignment of my labels. For a standard bar chart, I want my labels on the left side of the bars, but also left-aligned so that they stack up nicely rather than having a ragged outside edge.

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cc602f37 fa77-483c-9cc5-f4e92423601a on 05 Jul 2020 23:52:17

RE: Alignment controls for Axis Labels

'+1. Missing ability to align. Suggesting: Vertically, Horizontally, Slanted, Single Row, Single row with automatic word wrap etc.