Custom "tooltips" when hovering over a point on a visual. Month after month, I am required to offer Analysis & Actions narrative for how we're performing. It would be nice to see this by hovering over a point on a visual rather than take up valuable real estate with a text box.
I would like to be able to adjust the column width of the Multi-row card visual, and/or have it dynamically adjust. Right now I have the same column width for my 2 digit division number and my 30 character customer name. The division column looks huge, and the customer names still cut off. ...
Currently there does not seem to be a roadmap for Power BI. This makes it very hard to plan implementations, as meetings tend to end up with someone saying "Microsoft must know this is a winning feature. I can't believe it's not on their roadmap." As the person who has to turn the stakeholders...
Hello, are you working to allow direct query with MySQL databases? Currently this feature is not supported. Thank you
The new Filter Pane experience is really nice. However, the count numbers next to the selection boxes in the Basic drop downs can be confusing to users - they can have no relevance to what is showing on the page. Please add functionality to where these counts be toggled off!
Power BI desparately needs to support: Synchronised Drill down across multiple charts with the same hierarchy on the same page (or across the report) It is extremely annoying, if I have seveal graphs, to have to drill down or up on each of them individually. A feature that allows you to syn...
Whenever Power BI warns that "this dashboard has Power BI Pro content", provide a link to describe specifically what Pro content is included in the dashboard. For example, is it pro content because it's in a group workspace, or is it pro content because it's a direct query connection to an on-pr...
I so wish that you consider providing the ability to "Apply Width to all Data Columns" and maybe to Rows as well. This can be just a toggle (checkbox). My current experience was to resize each of the 90-day worth of data and it was not very productive and I had to do this each time a new batch...
When placing a visual on the screen, there is no way to get it to fill the entire space of the container that it is in, there is always white space around it. Being able to either fill that white space, or enter a negative X/Y value to align it to the top of the report page would be a useful. ...