If a multi-row card displays vertically, allow the option to line wrap long field values.
i want to be able to drill through in the dashboard view and not having to go to the report view i have to turn on the drill through every time i leave the report page, it would be better if it stayed on and if i could manually put it off if i don't need it.
There should be a way to use the SSAS Tabular Connector without AD Sync, e.g. by using CustomData on the connection string.
It is imperative that the ability to "Test as role" be restored within the Power BI web service. Previously, there was a blue bar that popped up on the top of the Power BI web service that allowed you to view a dashboard or report as a different user. This could be accessed by going to Data...
We often have additional statistical information on our data points, like min/max, standard deviation (error), percentiles, etc. It would be nice to be able to render at least error bars showing the confidence interval for our data points. Standard deviation could be provided on a separate ...
When you load a dimension table (say a calendar table) in Power BI desktop, there are often lots of numeric columns that are not additive. Examples include Year, Month Number, Day of Week etc. By default (unless you set the data type to text) these numeric columns will have the default aggregat...
The current version of the Power BI Service doesn't allow to parameterize the dashboard URL to launch in full screen mode with fit to screen. This will be really help when viewing and reduces the number of clicks in order to view the dashboard in full screen mode with fit to screen.
Today we can connect to table storage only using the storage account name and the account key. This is not a nice way, because anyone who has this account name and key can do anything with our data (with VS, or other tools). I’ts especially dangerous when to need to share your data with someon...
I have come across a few occasions where it would be great to have the following options in the relative date slicer: - Quarter - Financial Year This would be a great addition to the already immensely useful slicer.