Custom Tooltips on Hover
Custom "tooltips" when hovering over a point on a visual. Month after month, I am required to offer Analysis & Actions narrative for how we're performing. It would be nice to see this by hovering over a point on a visual rather than take up valuable real estate with a text box.
Map Selections Slice everything else on the Report
It would be nice for the map (basic map) to be able to slice when you select a bubble. It does seem to slice charts. But, unlike other slicers, when I make a selection on that chart, the map selection disappears. I would like for it to be as permanent as the other slicers and to filter other slic...
Microsoft-Developed Dial Gauge Visual
MS should develop a fully fledged, customizable dial gauge, like the one in SSRS. There are two few options in the custom visual that has been uploaded.
Non-Aggregated Tooltips
There should be an option to remove aggregation for Tooltips. For instance, on a map showing where our Vendors are, I want to also show their Shop Capacity. Currently, when I add the Shop Capacity field to the Tooltip, it shows an aggregation - Count of Shop Capacity, rather than the actual Shop ...
Option to Turn Visuals into Slicers
There should be an option to "Lock" a visual so that it behaves like a slicer. I use the tree map a lot to show more detail than a slicer ever could. Often, the user will click on the tree map to filter other parts of the report, but then when they make another selection, the selection from the T...
Customize Everything with Formulas
I think one thing holding back Power BI is a lack of customization. I think one feature that could be huge is the ability to customize anything about a report (fonts, axis on a chart, chart title, etc.) based on a formula - similar to how nearly everything can be customized in an SSRS report. ...
Selection Pane - Formulas/Conditions to set visibility
The ability to set whether a visual/object is visible depending on a formula or any kind of dynamic condition.