conditional formatting of Color of the gauge to change on the basis of value example 1-5 =green 6-20 = yellow >20 = Red
R and python have a rich set of visuals. I would like the ability to programmatically embed them into Power BI.
Sometimes I need to transform data utilizing power query and then upload or link from excel into MS access. It would be very helpful if we could have this tool in Microsoft Access as well
If you choose to use OneDrive, you can only choose from the Documents "library". Let me choose from files that are shared with me.
Power BI to read credentials from Key Vault. Currently Power BI when connecting to databases have to enter credentials ,for example when connecting to Azure SQL DW via SQL authentication needs id and password. If power BI can directly read from Key Vault we can simply provide developers tokens...
Remove the limitation: "Power BI (web service) only supports importing or connecting to workbooks created in Excel 2007 and later. Workbooks must be saved as .xlsx or .xlsm file type." Thousands (millions?) of .xls files are published to web sites in various "open data" efforts. These can be...
Allow the ability to create customized (including text visualizations) header, margins and footers.
Currently, power bi desktop only supports web url link which begins with http://, could we please support for link: file://
I noticed that the completed installed base of our machines was not shown on the Bing Map. After experimenting I realised that it was because our ERP system works with 2 digit ISO country codes, while it seems you need the 3 digit country code. Our ERP system is limited to 2 characters. It would ...