When working with data that needs to be shared, it is of utmost importance to understand what the semantic definition of it is (i.e., the proper usage of it) and also where it came from (both sources and transformations). This would be published as a data dictionary with lineage information. Ther...
Allow dynamic filters, for example last month, last year, etc. Or allow expressions similar to those of Reporting Services.
Very limited without this option. This is the main use people want to have for dynamic visualisations
Could a full screen button be added to PowerBI Report Server? Possibly to the far right of the status bar where the page tabs appear.
It would be very useful to be able to tailor conditional formatting by applying users own definitions for intervals. Example being: 1-3,Red 4-6,Yellow 7-9,Green or 1-25%, #5956C3 26-50%, #C356C1 51-75%, #5C9B9C 76-100%, #73C374
Build a macro recorder similar to Excel in the powerbi desktop. If could run through selections and paste out graphs. This would save time on custom selections every month.
In the October, 2016 release, you've added the ability to create GROUPS in bar graphs and tables, and to 'bin' measures. This is great functionality. However, it is not supported in a LIVE SSAS connection. Please add this functionality to this connection.
When I put a two o more Tooltips in a draw, I don´t see all dates because the box is small and I can´t change it.
Needs for enabling to edit data in Edit Queries. We need to change the data directly in the Edit query menu. When the dataset like excel files loaded in Power BI, it should be modified or input data directly by the users. For example, select the cell in column to change the data, copy ...