When viewing dashboards on the screen I have to shut down the task bar and close browser bars because it does not auto fit to the window. This needs to be addressed, as it is causes me to have to either make a lot of changes to my screen and also toggle up and down to show dashboard information ...
When copying Visual All interaction related to visual are lost. Make option available to select copy visual with/without interaction. This will improve user experience during complex report creation
For security purposes, it is very important to have more control over data exports. Right now the user can only export a visualization to csv. Having more control over these downloads, such as setting all excel downloads to be protected and only company users can view change but cannot copy or se...
Please have the ability to easily change the value of a single cell in PowerBI, specifically in the edit query mode.
The ability for viewers of published to web reports to download either a single visual or the entire page as a .png/.jpeg file. Internet explorer kind of allows this with right-click -> save picture as... but a native option would be better.
I'd like to be able to sign up with a gmail address so I can try Power BI as a student - not someone with a work email
There doesn't currently seem to be a way to format colors after you've placed a value in the Play axis. Being able to manipulate this in the same manner as when it is placed in the Details field would be helpful.
We need to show URL's in reports with custom labels and redirecting to chosen target (instead of _blank)
How about adding option to make a metric/measure as selector. Actually, it will be only metric name which will serve the purpose of selector and you can give user option to switch to different measures by looking at same graph. One example is Sales $ and Sales Unit by months. In current optio...