It is very tedious to re-sort pages in a .pbix file, particularly if you have say 20 pages and the new page you've just created is page 20 and you want it to be page 2 or 3 - you have to drag it to the left hand end, move across a pane, drag it to the new end, and so on. It would be nice to have...
Allow the report theme application via the Javascript API so we can apply the theme to the embedded report on the fly using the same base file with multiple themes.
Unfortunately, there are quite a few applications out there that apply HTML-encoding prior to persisting data instead of at rendering time. While it makes perfect sense for Power BI to apply encoding for rendering, it would be great to have a convenient way to avoid double-encoding resulting in ...
It would be great to be able to create custom defined date parameter. For example Fiscal years that do not start on January 1. It would follow then that fiscal quarters would also need redefined. This would be really helpful for looking at data over fiscal years and having power bi inherently und...
The current account types (free, pro, premium) are missing an paid account type between free and pro, allowing to view shared content. This new account type should not be able to create or share content. Power BI Premium is not suited for smaller organisations due to the high costs.
It would be great if there existed a run-time or BI reader application that could be shared among users to view a .bpix file without a cloud connection. An external cloud connection is a no-go at my shop, and it is likely to be some time before we update from Office 2013. I believe Office 365 h... says it is solved but not for measures calculated in PowerBI.
It would be useful to show which user created the report, or even last edited. This information could be shown where the last refresh was in small letter.
It would be extremely helpful to be able to have a DirectQuery to my SQL Server stay live while still allowing me to import files (Excel in particular) so that I can fill in some blanks much easier even if the data is separated somewhere on the server or if I am trying to add another layer of dat...