Diacritic characters (Polish) in reports are displayed with incorect font. In exports they're not included at all. When do You plan fully support other languages?
It would be great if you could use a template that you created while on a live connection and change your connection to another data source so the new data is then populated in the visuals and filters that you have made. This way you could have a base report and be able to apply it to any new da...
With this feature, we can : 1. Share dashboard or report to everyone, even to someone who has no Power BI (as long as he/she has Browser or Power Point) 2. Secure our raw data (which in many cases contains sensitive information that we don't want to share) 3. Prevent stupid user from accidenta...
Currently the only place to create variables is on the desktop tool. Not all users need the extra data modeling capabilities of the desktop tool and only need to add a variable or two to an existing report. This is not possible when viewing content in the cloud.
When in Focus Mode, the Last Refresh date shows the system date and time the visual was put in Focus Mode, not the date and time the data was last refreshed. Per MS Support "At this time this is how the product is designed." However, this is really a bug that should be corrected. It is misl...
We as a company use Office 365 and often purchase over 300 to 400 licenses. It would be nice to know exactly how many licenses we have and in which category. For example 100 E3 licenses. This will be useful as when people leave and we remove their licenses we have to go into Office 365 to check t...
It would be nice to have a search box visual which would act as a filter depending on the value/text in the box (like a attribute slicer, but without displaying the values available for that column)
Scatter chart available now only allows aggregate values (SUM, count...etc) for an x axis variable to be used. However, would be great if an X Y scatter chart would be available not necessarily having an aggregate measure. For example, if I would like to correlate two variables, I would like to s...
Would like the ability to programmatically create a group workspace and populate membership using the API (or Powershell or something).
The REST API allows retrieving my dashboards, reports, and groups. Please enable retrieving the dashboards and reports *in* a group.