It would be great if there were an option to set a minimum/start for X-axis (or Y-axis) automatically according the lowest number in a dataset. In the current version, "huge" gaps are shown sometimes between group labels and columns/bars if positive numbers are too high and negative numbers are ...
I attempted to connect Tally.ERP 9 with ODBC to Power Bi and failed. Tally ERP 9 is a widely used accounts package in India,If you create a connector for tally to connect to power Bi ,,It will be make tally very productive report wise and power Bi user base will increase exponentially in India..s...
Currently the EXASOL analytic database can be connected only via ODBC. It would be great to have a dedicated DirectQuery connector to fully exploit the power of an EXASOL cluster
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In PowerBI, we are able to drilldown from a graph to next level. But from a tablular report from one column/field to next level of table or field is not possible. How this can be done.
How can i export viuals form Visual Studio to PoweBi visuals format (pbiviz)
MDS can be a key player in self-service scenarios, since it can provide a managed way to create and maintain parameter tables, mappings, hierarchies for separate data mart dimensions in a self-service way for even business users. In SQL16 it will get a refresh, and maybe the integration story ...
Intune is a natural source of data for the health of ICT across an organisation - information on Operating Systems, Applications, Compliance, Users, Mobile devices, etc would be great for inclusion in a dashboard in Power BI.
When you pin a table to the dashboard it seems like all columns receive equal spacing. They should be formatted according to the column size as per the report view. It would be good if this could just be fixed as a two column table, where the first column is a small field, currently looks a bit s...