JBester on 02 Mar 2016 19:00:28
Add comment or note related to a visual or for entire page. Text only shows when you hover over the icon.
- Comments (6)
RE: Visual that shows comment/note when hover over it
You can create a measure to return a data or string value, for example:
(to use FIRSTNONBLANK in DirectQuery mode, you'll need to enable the PowerBI global option to "Allow unrestricted measures in DirectQuery mode")
Add the new measure to your tooltip.
RE: Visual that shows comment/note when hover over it
It would be a great improvement ! And please add the possibility to include Web links and file links inside the note
RE: Visual that shows comment/note when hover over it
It has my vote. The current text box takes up room and you also can't adjust the line height which means two lines of 8 font text still takes up a lot of room. I'd love to be able to just add an icon of an 'i' so that when they hover over it some text pops up that adds extra details. The current size of the canvas is so small to begin with to space is precious.
RE: Visual that shows comment/note when hover over it
You can do that now with measures + custom tooltips https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/power-bi-desktop-may-update-feature-summary/
RE: Visual that shows comment/note when hover over it
This is absolutely necessary, and would make it so we wouldn't have to add another page to the report (or use up a ton of the report canvas) with notes and source links (such as the second page of the example report at https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/visual-awesomeness-unlocked-pulse-chart/)
RE: Visual that shows comment/note when hover over it
Agree! Sometime there is need to educate report users. Adding a textbook will do, but eat up space.