Idea The idea is sort of having a version of loaded data sets on which you can jump back like in a time machine to see how the data was at a certain time. Each load of data is kept as a version with the time stamp of the load. On the Report in PowerBI you can add a slider that lets you select ...
To do Pareto analysis of data you need to use RankX, Create a cumulative sum of the list (TopN), then divide the cumulative sum at the row by the grand total of the column. the resulting output is the % the running sum is of the grand total. From there you filter to show top x%. However, could...
When using diverging colors in a filled map, it would be useful to be able to display a gradient scale along with the map that would show the upper, median, and lower values that the diverging colors represent.
I tried searching the forums and haven't found a solution yet so I have 2 ideas to improve Filled Maps and Map visuals. 1. More granular zoom control to increase precision of the view we are trying to display. When I zoom on the US I have to have the visual show 1/2 of Canada down to Mexi...
There should be more formatting options with the 'play' button. Most obvious is being able to shrink the font size of the displayed play dimension. It is ridiculously large and obscures the visual. Adjusting the speed of play would be great. I am looking at signal data over the course of a...
Qlik supports conditional dimensions. For example, the user can click a dropdown on top of the first column in a table and select another field. This binds the first column of the table to the selected field. So, instead of having a bunch of tables to show sales by product category, product, cust...
It would be nice if we could set the data type in the Add Custom Column dialog box for the function we are writing insetead of having to do it manually in the formula bar, or adding an extra step to do it in the Applied Steps. For example: Table.AddColumn(#"Added Credits", "CalcEndBalance", e...
Currently, we don’t support export based on in-session state. The report will be exported as it is saved. If filter was applied to the report and the report was saved this way, you will see it in the generated PPT. If it was just exploration without save, it won’t show up in the generated ppt. T...
When a Sharepoint field with multiple values lookup is expanded, I receive the following response: DataSource.Error: SharePoint: Request failed: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error. (Specified method is not supported.)
Allow the user to create a main page and "hyperlink" to difference sheets (and back and across sheets). The experience is then an interactive one with different screens the user can move between.