It would be helpful to get more detailed, cause related error messages and last but not least, PowerBI scheduled refresh should automatically retry a refresh (i.e. 3 times after 5 min wait) in case of failure due to limited source data availability. It would be best, if the retry behaviour could ...
Slicers should auto collapse after a selection is made. It should stay open if Ctrl is hit to make multiple selections. Having to click out of a slicer in order to close it is tiresome and makes reports with many slicers clunky.
When graphing a categorical/text field in a bar chart and displaying the count, allow the number to be displayed with a comma. Because the underlying field is text, the solution is not to change the format of the field.
When designing a highly formatted grid, the option to align text; whether it’s a numerical column a text column or an object column is critical, especially for languages that are right to left. Therefore, it would be great if for each column on the grid, you have the option to decide if you’d lik...
Would be nice if when select all is enabled on a slicer that when you choose select all it shows everything in associated visualizations BUT when you de-select all the associated visualizations show nothing. At present either option shows everything.
The current when data value is above or below a threshold. I would like 'alerts' to provide option to send 'alerts' when the data change. The goal is to anchor the 'alerts' to a reporting date and send notification when reporting date changes. The current 'alerts' does not allow for a custom me...
Be able to add links to other pages in the same report package rather than go from tab to tab.
Enable to show or hide an object (chart, table, map, text box, filter, image, shape etc.) based on a condition. If a condition evaluates to TRUE than show the object, else hide it.
Failover is not available with the current Enterprise Gateway, this make it challenging when we want to use EntGW in scale. High Availability critical aspect for company whom want to adopt PBI as enterprise solution. Please consider.
Some end-users only need access to the Dashboard functionality. For these users, the underlying reports are not required and should be hidden.