- Comments (8)
RE: Slicer Select All vs Select None
Very good idea. I hope it is implemented in Power BI soon.
RE: Slicer Select All vs Select None
Am'I the only one in the earth with a request from a client to DO NOT show data when NOTHING is selected? Why this is so old and nobody care. I would go further: you can't solve it the IsFiltered unless you have a very short list of filters, anything that you need the "Select All" it stops working. If I'm being dummy here, please reach me out, I would love to learn how to do it properly.
RE: Slicer Select All vs Select None
I think at the least it should be called "Clear all" for clarity. "Select all" is misleading. For example, I have a list of people that I'm trying to filter by seeing what group they fit in to, but not everyone has a group so they aren't in the file that has group assignments.
It looks like this:
[ ]Select All
[ ]Group 1
[ ]Group 2
Al and Bob are in groups 1 and 2, respectively. So when I check those two boxes, they are the only ones that show up. However, when checking "Select all" and all boxes show as marked, Claire shows up in my list.
This should only be the case if I uncheck "Select all" and all the boxes show as blank.
I'll join the group in requesting a true "Select all" feature or at least rename it "Clear all" so that users are not confused.
RE: Slicer Select All vs Select None
To get around this, I have resorted to appending a special row in the table that displays " (none) " in the slicer, and has null for most all the other fields. I also have to set the slicer to "Single Select". Bit of a pain but it works.
I observe one small drawback - the y-axis grid lines shift ever so slightly when (none) is selected. If you are overlaying line charts for comparison, it looks bad.
RE: Slicer Select All vs Select None
I want to expand this a bit and say this could also be achieved by making some filters "required" which could be VERY useful anyway. Effectively they would be report prompts. Nothing happens until a selection is made. It would be very helpful in many instances to mark some filters as "Required Prompt" which would mean when NOTHING is selected, the page waits for that filter to be specified. Then set the "clear" action to "Default to All" or "Default to Required Prompt/None". Lastly, this would really help with reports that can have very LARGE result sets that people don't need to run the entire result set but a default selection isn't really a good option.
RE: Slicer Select All vs Select None
Agreed, the slicer should not return results when nothing is selected, but 'Select All' should be the default selection for each slicer (out of the box).
I like where the Anonymous comment on March 02 is going, but it would be unnecessarily tedious to apply on multiple report pages across multiple filters, and would require the developer to make sure every time the report is published, that 'select all' or every single slicer option is manually checked. Otherwise the end users would need to hunt around to discover why the report is blank - especially disconcerting on reports with multiple filters
RE: Slicer Select All vs Select None
Agreed, This should be the default behavior.
RE: Slicer Select All vs Select None
Note that without Select All showing I can achieve the desired result using a measure like this as a filter on the associated visualizations:
MySlicer = IF (
where 'MyTable'[MyColumn] is what is used for the values in the slicer.