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Custom cte Query in Direct Query Power Bi

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on 21 Jul 2017 11:25:10

In Power Bi a custom cte query in DirectQuery is giving issues.This feature has to be enabled.As a workaround we can use import mode but when live data is required directquery has to be used.Right now this is not supported.

Comments (13)
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46c3cdc4 12df-ea11-a813-000d3a579c39 on 15 Aug 2020 16:19:07

RE: Custom cte Query in Direct Query Power Bi

Please implement a solution as this has been a known issue/request for over 4 years.

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43ef0bff faa4-434a-83c4-9bea3baff952 on 06 Jul 2020 00:11:40

RE: Custom cte Query in Direct Query Power Bi

Just spent half a day wriing a complex query usign CTEs in power query (excel) and then come to power BI to implement...

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79d30421 2131-4f68-85f1-5838f63f2e76 on 06 Jul 2020 00:10:31

RE: Custom cte Query in Direct Query Power Bi

I feel this issue has already existed for more than 2 years. When will Microsoft take action??

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27ef9870 78d6-4554-84e2-cbddd29347cb on 06 Jul 2020 00:08:14

RE: Custom cte Query in Direct Query Power Bi

Wow I was just writing a big cte and figured I better check if I was going to be able to use it, back to the drawing board...

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98ecf394 712f-4b6a-bfb1-22a83041f2bb on 06 Jul 2020 00:07:44

RE: Custom cte Query in Direct Query Power Bi

I just ran into this issue. You can get a review in Power Query but once you Close & Apply you get errors about semicolons.

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88e50b9a aab2-487a-af63-f13cd4c15118 on 06 Jul 2020 00:02:43

RE: Custom cte Query in Direct Query Power Bi

Yes, we can build views as a work around, but many of the report writers do not have permissions to create a view. Just read access. We're training staff to use CTE's as it provides a great way to isolate complex query logic. Much cleaner than using sub-queries. From the perspective of self-service, lack of support for CTE's is limiting. We have an on-premises version ( PBIRS) so direct query is superior for real-time data access.

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e566f6bd 8302-4487-8274-a6d5bbb042e3 on 05 Jul 2020 23:51:40

RE: Custom cte Query in Direct Query Power Bi

E X A C T L Y !

Data analysis and reporting (as opposed to simple CRUD operations) are when CTEs and temp tables come in most handy. Power BI, which exists for the purpose of analysis & reporting, isn't much useful if it only supports simple CRUD operations.

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5499f17e 79d4-4961-8d64-64976a92d223 on 05 Jul 2020 23:42:27

RE: Custom cte Query in Direct Query Power Bi

I have a number of queries that use CTEs that run just fine in sql server. then imagine the frustration and time lost (that's the major issue) in trying to get Power BI to accept the query (direct connect), then realizing you've got to basically rewrite the code (if you can) with embedded subqueries (this is very difficult to do and virtually impossible to follow once you've done it). I cannot create views. This is something that users need and expect. PLEASE fix this. Thanks

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0278f72b 4edc-4ad4-bae8-0d85c87b1c97 on 05 Jul 2020 23:42:06

RE: Custom cte Query in Direct Query Power Bi

my company has decided to pass on tableau and use powerBi instead, i feel like this is such a huge mistake as i've never had issues with even temp tables in tableau, and now this is just silly that i have to create a view for each dashboard for a direct connection..even if its just a simple query???..... wow what a step backwards.

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a73ecb81 d1b7-44ed-9383-06bf97786c35 on 05 Jul 2020 23:26:59

RE: Custom cte Query in Direct Query Power Bi

I was under the impression that "Power Query is the same in Excel and Power BI". Now I find that the corpus of CTEs from the Excel PQ world is not usable in Direct Query mode of PBI. This is a very frustrating user experience that violates the principle of least astonishment.

Please fix.