conditional column
Add button to move "Else If" rule to become "If" condition. That way, you avoid having to press "Move Up" the number of conditions - 2 times. Or allow Drag and Drop of condition into the required position.
Enable Search box within the Advanced Editor.
When in Advanced Editor in the Power Query Editor, if you pressed Ctrl-F a search box would open to help you find text within it.
Make it so the filter pane always appears on its own
Depending on what file I open sometimes visual filters still appear under the visualizations pane.
Allow column statistics and value distribution boxes to be resized
It would be nice to resize the column statistics and value distribution boxes shown in the Power Editor. Presently, it is impossible to the change the size to right of the former and left of the latter. Some of the values of the column statistics get cut off as a consequence.
Remove Errors Doesn't Always Work
"Remove Errors" by right-clicking a from column in a query and under "Remove Rows" don't seem to always be able to eliminate rows with errors.
Measure format does not get applied immediately in visualizations
I have some measures that have the currency format applied and then apply the general format for them. Their format doesn't get updated in the visuals that use them. I have to save and reopen the file for the changes in format to be reflected.
paste filter visualization
Allow copy and pasting of visual filters applied from one visualization to another.
power query non responsive
Opening Power Query can make Power BI non-responsive specially when loading previews and even sometimes when not loading previews.