Please help to connect to Yammer DATA source in order to build high-value reports on how Yammer is used in our organization
Would it be possible for the ArcGIS Map visual to have the ability to add a legend in the map for "Symbol color", such that a viewer can understand the span of values each colour represents?
Support for style sheets that would enable all reports and charts to inherit a common look and feel. Similar to Style sheets currently available in SSRS
Currently I'm facing some issues with power BI as i'm unable to save my visualyse dashboards in to PDF or power point. It is very helpful if we can get them as PDF,Excel or PPT version. most helpful if we can get dashboard visualyse reports to the excel in original view.
Ability to add a tooltip with text to an image of textbox. This is userfull if you want to create some kind of help icons on a report. There's no way to do this right now.
It would be handy to hide the Column Titles for a table. (I know you can change the text to white, but means you can't resize the visual box to smaller, which means it can be used as a report title). Why do i need to make a title out of a table? It is the only way i can find, to dynamically fi...
I attended the CRM Dynamics Blitz yesterday and they said that OneNote will be an option in addition to the notes column. I find this awesome. Can PowerBI look at the OneNote data remotely like Excel?
Enable AutoML for Power BI Pro users, not just Premium.
I like the new Filters pane, but I think you really want to think about allowing the same kind of "Edit Interactions" for fields in the Filters pane as you do for any other visual. Here's why: I would dearly like to ditch slicers from a report in favour of the Filters pane in order to free up...