Power BI is a great tool for Data visualization but not the best for List/Print Reporting. Paginated Reports are good but are not suited for End Users. In order to have an easy way to allow End users to create List/Print Reports on their own I believe Microsoft Word is a great tool for the ...
When value is added to Filters pane, Power BI automatically displays count of rows for each value. Please allow hiding this count or adding customized count.
Datasets have a GET /refreshes API to retrieve the refresh history. We need one similar for Dataflows. There is a POST https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/groups/{groupId}/dataflows/{dataflowId}/refreshes API to start a refresh but there's no API to monitor the success/failure of that refresh curr...
Currently, only constrained delegation is supported with SQL Server connections. The Kerberos standard has constrained and unconstrained delegation. Please support unconstrained Kerberos delegation. Source: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/service-gateway-sso-kerberos.
When a report with multiple visuals in a single page, is viewed in SharePoint mobile app, we are unable to zoom in or scale the page. kindly make it scalable.
Keep grouping of objects when creating Phone layout. I have a PowerBI report which has a lot of customised formatting to achieve desired visualisation including object groupings. I want to be able to carry the grouping through to the mobile app version of the report.
I have found that retrieving info from SharePoint Online (O365) with PowerQuery is incredibly slow, specially if you expand any person column like Author/Editor of an entry. Is there any way to speed this up?
Include a menu in the Power BI start screen in wich can select the options for current file
Since RLS works in Dashboards, any viewers would only see data they have access to. Please allow the viewer role access to Pin tiles to Dashboard.
Develop a way to unpack 'unnamed users' in a PBI Usage Report. Currently you are not allowed to unpack 'unnamed users' by-design, because the tenant admin specifies a subset of users who are not allowed to be identified individually in metrics reports. Request a way to display anonymized unique u...