It would be great if we could add links from a report sheet to a dashboard in the Web app. This is the reverse of what we currently have where we can link from the dashboard to a report. That would allow us to stay in the full screen view without the need to use the navigation pane on the left t...
PowerBI should be able to get source from an hidden Excel sheet without having to unhide it
After getting a message the Quickbooks and Power BI are connected, the following message appears: Failed to update data source credentials: The credentials you provided for the data source are invalid. Please ensure the credentials you have provided for all the data sources are valid.
After Sharing Reports, The Report Viewers should not have permission to Edit Queries and Get Data. The Viewers should only be able to change filter and Select Visualization they want.
We couldn't import data from SendGrid Make sure you're entering the information correctly. Activity Id25fb5eb3-d6d9-4a47-98fb-7aeb5b01b9c9 Request Idb6a131f5-8a02-f86d-f9e3-1733cabc6738 Status Code400 TimeFri Aug 28 2015 13:02:18 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) Version1...
Create default administration / management data source / reports / dashboard to show usage, query timing, slow queries, memory usage, refreshes, etc. somewhat like the powerpivot management dashboard in SharePoint (
The 64-bit version of the Access Database Engine 2010 Access Database Engine OLEDB provider is required to connect to read this Access files. Please allow 32-bit access. This severely limits use of Access databases to those who do not have 64-bit systems.
When entering text into a text box for your report page, it would be great to be able to merge field values into the paragraphs. eg your stores have had {Store Visits} since{FromDate)
Hi! Wouls be great to connect Power BI Desktop program with Visio (for instane, by allowing organizational charts to be embedded in) and thus, allowing navigating trougout a company and seeing employees' profiles and/or performance