Allow me to assign a color to represent an item in a slicer. Simple example: I select Mark in my slicer, his counties show up red on the map. If I select Sally, her counties show up blue. If I select both, I get the red and the blue on the map.
For data sources which are anonymous web endpoints, it seems a bit silly that I have to go click through "enter credentials" every time I upload my PBIX. They are anonymous - it should work on its own, or at least try rather than failing to refresh the datasource due to missing credentials.
Please add hover text box on source data labels. This would be very important feature for the end user knowing how the data should be interpreted. The source for this text box could be Data catalog or some other place where the metadata is defined.
Please provide the facility to draw state boundary using polygon.
Creating a package for dashboard reporting of MS Service Manager 2012 incidents, service requests, trending and kip listings would be great!
legend entries truncate and sometimes do not show. The height of a dashboard item needs to be dynamic to allow full legend text to be visible and all entries should show when there is a small number (e.g. 5)
When connecting to SQL Server, tables relationships are allowed on only one key. If the field is repeated, it will not consider it as unique though it is since there is more than one key in each table. Please allow relationship management between multiple keys.
Currently once a dataset is attached to PBI you can't then amend the location of the pbix file. This would be really helpful, especially now you've added sharepoint as a datasource we would like to change some of our datesource locations
Allow us yo use alternate windows credentials for odata feed in PBI service. It is needed in order to schedule refresh data from odata feed. It would solve this issue: