The mobile report feature is great but it only works in the PBI app. It would be awesome if you PBI desktop could choose a pixel width where the report would change to mobile view if below. Pretty much as a typical responsive website. This would be great for the Power BI service but especially...
Provide the ability to apply permissions to TABS within a report. That way you could share a power BI report nd certain people would not see certain Tabs within the report.
Password or something that you can set it on desktop version! You can imagine that I could set a password or something that a one .pbix can publish on "Only on domain"! Then if anybody wants use this file to publish for any use, he can't! Did you get it what I mean? I this way, He MUST ask me a...
Slider for number would mean that I can view anything with a linear ange of values other than dates. this would mean that I can quickly select a linear range rather than relying on selecting them one at a time would be super useful to allow selection of a linear range easily please do this
Currently we can export data behind visuals as aggregates only - it would be extremely useful if the data behind calculated measures could be exported as well.
Would it be possible to replicate think-cell properties to calculate deviations for example? Thank you!
I have slicers with a header using a dark background/light font color, making the 'Clear selections' and dropdown list options virtually undetectable. Perhaps the default font color for these options should match the header font color... thank you.
It would be very nice to have to possibility to push data to a table of a published desktop file via the REST API. That's currently not possible
Increase the limit (1000) of values for filtering in Query editor
It would be great to be able to browse all DAX calculations in a model in Power BI Desktop. This could be accomplished by exposing the data from the TMSCHEMA DMVs. The challenge is that we can't natively see the list of all calculated columns or calculated measures - we must go into each table to...