The default tooltip only shows one type of data details when the bar/column is browsed, as well as tooltip page with Keep all filters toggle on. It will be difficult to read when each type of data is very narrow in the bar/column. It will be great to have a feature which tooltip or tooltip page i...
Currently, a duplicated page is addes as last page in the list. This should be next to the duplicated page (or interactively with a prompt like in Excel).
It will be great if we can specify different tooltip per column in a metrix table. I would like to show for each column a customised tooltip. The Auto tooltip selection doesn't always pick the tooltip I would like to show. Same idea will also be good for a graph chart where each chart column coul...
The size of the shapes in scatter charts can be adjusted, but the 0 % size is too large. More scale should be added to the lower end, to allow for small points which help to make charts with lots of data much more readable. The problem has been discussed here:
It will be very interenting that this option was implemented. When the users analyze data in matrix they want to have the option to applied the conditional formatting in the grand total level.
Scrollbars should have a default status and anytime the visual contests change due to filtering the scrollbar should reset to it's default state (top/bottom or left/right). There are times where new data is added to the visual after filter changes and it's easy to not see the new data because ...
When I go to my report's Dataset in Power BI Service, I can see "AdobeAnalytics" listed as a Data Source. When I click "Edit credentials", the Authentication Method drop-down is empty and clicking sign-in just returns the error "Failed to update data source credentials". Please enable refre...
The drill through feature in the September release is great though only allows you to pass the one dimension value that has been right-clicked on onto the drill-through page. This excludes any drill-through filters that are already on the page which means that drill-through pages cannot be ch...
It would be great, if you can add the ability to change the parameter values on the dashboard itself.
Would like the ability to customize the Matrix and Table Headers without having to change the data set headers.