Ability to create "flags" in a BI Dashboard. When criteria is set, send an automated report in an email format during a specified time. Example, I use BI to refresh time card entry every morning. If an employee has less than 8 hours entered for any previous day, I would want it to get flagge...
It would be good to gave a notification sent over email when the dashboard is getting refreshed.
I want to converting Zen chars to Han chars in Japanese Text. A lot of Government Data us number as Zen chars, which can not converting data type from text to number in M language.
Include the ability to to perform statistical tests compared to a mean or a custom calculated norm using a variety of statistical tests, z-tests, t-tests, proportions tests, F-Tests etc. And then be able to show the result on the chart as Significantly Higher or lower than the Norm, Mean or Test...
One nice feature would be able to tie into Moodle for report and dashboard building.
Easy button to reset the report. Would bring it back to the original reports. All drill downs etc would reset themselves
Would like to add delve as a data source to add activity stream information to dashboard
EarthSoft has created custom EQuIS Connector for Power BI. We would like this connector to be certified.
AAS recently implemented Calculation Groups with big fanfare. However any SSAS / AAS Cube that has *any* users using Power BI in Live Connect mode cannot add this feature to their cube. I would be willing to bet this is > 95% of all Microsofts Cube customers. The problem is that any graph...