Auto DrillDown in visual to next level if filters cause only one result
The idea is pretty simple: If I'm using in a visual a hierarchy for Drilldowns and filter (e.g. in a separate filter slicer) in a way, that e.g. for the TopLevel only one bar would remain as result of this applied filter, the idea is to do an automated drilldown in the visual hierarchy down to th...
RLS - Allow user to toggle between different roles e.g. via slicer
I have a report using RLS with multiple roles - e.g. one role for global access to a specific customer, another for geographical restricted access (e.g. one region - but no access restriction on customer). There are users which have access in both roles (e.g. Sales leader working in one region, b...
Filter slicer: Hide "All" option in menu dynamically if RLS provides only one entry
Working with RLS I have constellations where for one user the filter slicer option "All" is meaningful (as multiple entries are available according to his access), but for others not (as only one entry is avaiable due to their access restriction). In that second case (only one entry left) it woul...
Azure Information Protection (AIP) for pbix files (also in service)
Why is it not possible to use Azure Information Protection in combination with pbix files (as e.g, for xlsx and pptx)? Could you please add this feature?
Getting control over report pages using Query Chaching
Hello, I learned from your support page ( that only the landing page of a report is cached. In a given case of a more complex report in my enterprise enviornment, it would also be great as report / capacity admin to gain control ove...
Pin visual groups (on grouped level) to dashboards
Hi! Thanks for the grouping feature. An awesome function in that context would be to allow a pin of such grouped visuals to a dashboard (as this group)! I give you one example: We have modelled a "heatmap" using the matrix visual, showing absiolut values in the cells and coloring the cell backgro...
Show rich text wihtin Table and Matrix visual
Please add the possibility to present rich-text within a Table / Matrix visual row. This would e.g. allow to correctly present formatted comments comming from a SQL DB or sharepoint list. Custom visuals as e.g. HTML viewer are NOT adequate, as they are NOT capable to work with measures (which ...
Aging of comments
Please add to the commenting function a feature which allows an "aging" of comments. Idea would be that: * either the comment could be wired to a Date or Month/Year information (and is only shown if the selection is capturing this timeframe - the marked Date Table of the respective report datase...
Pop-Up windows / message if a user opens a workspace / report / dashboard
Would it be possible to add / present on the levels of workspace / dashboard / report a pop-up window / message to end-users? Idea is based on a respective SAP functionaliity if you log into a system, that the admin can present a user message (e.g. about planned downtime). In the sceanrio with Po...