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RLS - Allow user to toggle between different roles e.g. via slicer

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Andreas S.'s profile image

Andreas S. on 16 Oct 2018 15:20:21

I have a report using RLS with multiple roles - e.g. one role for global access to a specific customer, another for geographical restricted access (e.g. one region - but no access restriction on customer). There are users which have access in both roles (e.g. Sales leader working in one region, but additionally taking care about one global key account).

What I would like to offer to the user himself is to toogle between the both views - dependant on the reporting need he has at the moment working with the PowerBI report.

So I propose a possibility to allow the user himself to toogle between the different RLS roles he is member in.

Best regards,


Comments (2)
Andreas S.'s profile image Profile Picture

1e940177 1fe1-4325-af7a-eb84c5bbef99 on 06 Jul 2020 00:16:01

RE: RLS - Allow user to toggle between different roles e.g. via slicer

This would so valuable to us as a company, we have very complex reporting lines and jurisdiction which requires multiple roles for users and they have to still slice within their role to get to what they want. If we could have a drop down of roles (restricted to what the user is in) then it would be a simple of job of selecting the correct role for their current reporting needs.

Andreas S.'s profile image Profile Picture

eb368c98 6416-491e-b573-bc7d1b9afa5f on 06 Jul 2020 00:12:20

RE: RLS - Allow user to toggle between different roles e.g. via slicer

Is it possible in power bi