Count should return 0 instead of (Blank)
Count of
Apply filter when clicking on a card in a page
I'd like to be able to click on a card in a page and apply its filter to all other visuals in that page
Dashboard owner no longer showing when clicking on "..."?
It seems like I can no longer see the name of the person (or group) who created and shared a dashboard with me when clicking "..." next to a dashboard name in the left nav. Am I missing something here?
SQL's PERCENTILE_DISC function returns a value from a dataset (see, but doesn't seem to have an equivalent in DAX. DAX's PERCENTILE.INC *seems* to return the same result as SQL's PERCENTILE_CONT, but DAX's PERCENTI...
Hard to reorder visuals in the Selection pane
I have a long list of visuals showing in the Selection pane, and reordering a visual up or down doesn't always work i.e., visual is not moved to the desired location even if I wait for the yellow divider to show before dropping the visual to the location (not easy to explain, so please try it for...
Layer Order and Tab Order in Selection Pane
I have a long list of visuals showing in the Selection pane. I have spent some time editing the Layer Order only to realize that I have to do pretty much the same thing again for the Tab Order. It would be nice to have an option to sync the two orders (by clicking on a button, or by checking a bo...