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Visibility of images, shapes, single card or text boxes based on data field

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Peter Speden's profile image

Peter Speden on 09 Oct 2015 04:17:32

It would be nice to be able to have a visible property on images, text boxes, single cards or shapes which occurs when a certain condition is met.

ie I want to have a Text box display saying "Failed" or have an image of a red x be visible if the dataset has a value in the success column of 0.

Our support team are looking at high level dashboards of issues in processing systems.

Comments (2)
Peter Speden's profile image Profile Picture

1070ccc6 4a4e-4fc2-b1e9-880d8b4e20ee on 05 Jul 2020 23:56:22

RE: Visibility of images, shapes, single card or text boxes based on data field

I would need this too! we need to concur signatures of beneficiaries and their names, we have the path to my local drive, but I can't insert on the table.

We do it manually using visual basics in excel but the interphase and filters work much better in power BI

Peter Speden's profile image Profile Picture

21b23e33 bcc6-ea11-a812-000d3a579c39 on 05 Jul 2020 23:40:06

RE: Visibility of images, shapes, single card or text boxes based on data field

Let's try to group all the votes under a more structure idea