Vtro on 22 May 2018 17:59:35
Subscription emails embed the view of the dashboard inside, but the pictures and or charts are low resolution and the emails have to be enlarged to make out any data and or detail in the chart with additional quality loss.
Please allow for the increase and or larger resolution of the charts, tables & pivots so that the dashboard and or report could be effectively viewed and used through a mail.
- Comments (3)
RE: Subscription Emails Higher Resolution Charts
The folks traveling NEED to be able to simply see the report without clicking through or opening an attachment. Their time pressures are extremely HIGH. Making them jump through extra hoops to get their numbers is NOT an option. Eliminating the wire frame sizing restrictions around the picture would greatly enhance user acceptance of Power BI reports.
RE: Subscription Emails Higher Resolution Charts
PLUS - The Subscription reports should be Left aligned to minimize the white space, considering lot of white space on both sides of the visuals in the email body and end-user look and feel.
RE: Subscription Emails Higher Resolution Charts
There are multiple posts on this... why don't we direct our votes to the one post with highest votes now