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Number of points on Esri (ArcGIS) map

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Tauno Metsalu's profile image

Tauno Metsalu on 16 Jan 2017 15:08:57

The maximum number of points on a map (10000) is too limiting, I really need to show 13000 points. It should be possible to change the limit by the user.

For example, I think for heat map the number of allowed points could be higher than for separate points having tooltips.

Also, if the user marks a sub-area on the plot that contains less than 10000 points, not all points are necessarily shown there.

Comments (1)
Tauno Metsalu's profile image Profile Picture

4ef379c6 c03e-443c-8150-e73bd00593ab on 05 Jul 2020 22:51:28

RE: Number of points on Esri (ArcGIS) map

The worst part about this is that if you have too many points you're trying to display, they simply won't all render. No error message, at least in my experience. Nothing - except blank areas of the map. At the very least, a sampling should be displayed, with a warning.