Ollie Newth on 04 Dec 2014 03:04:34
I imagine this is going to be included within the ability to edit connections, but I would like the ability to edit an existing query or add a new one from within Power BI. Another option would be to overwrite an existing spreadsheet with one including the new queries, though conflicts might get messy.
Administrator on 05 Dec 2014 02:42:50
Hi Ollie! Thanks for the suggestion. We're already working on improvements to the management of existing connections and data sets in the service. Stay tuned for updates!
- Comments (14)
- Merged Idea (1)
RE: Edit or add queries from the web
Any news? it' been 18 months!
RE: Edit or add queries from the web
Any news on this request?
RE: Edit or add queries from the web
The aggravating part of this is if I design a report in PowerBI Desktop, then publish it to powerbi.com, edit some changes to the report online, then realize I need to edit the queries, there's no way to get the edits I made on PowerBI.com back into PowerBI Desktop. Lost work and lost time because I have to re-do those changes in PowerBI Deskop, then edit my queries, then re-publish. Would be nice if edits were synced two-way instead of up from PowerBI Desktop only.
RE: Edit or add queries from the web
Can you share any timeframe for this solution or an alternate one? The typical scenario is: I have some data which I upload and create dashboards for; and then I add columns or tables to the model in my desktop computer and am stuck with what's already uploaded.