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Power BI


Edit or add queries from the web

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Ollie Newth's profile image

Ollie Newth on 2014-12-04 03:04:34

I imagine this is going to be included within the ability to edit connections, but I would like the ability to edit an existing query or add a new one from within Power BI. Another option would be to overwrite an existing spreadsheet with one including the new queries, though conflicts might get messy.

Administrator on 12/5/2014 2:42:50 AM

Hi Ollie! Thanks for the suggestion. We're already working on improvements to the management of existing connections and data sets in the service. Stay tuned for updates!

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Jeffrey Jarrard's profile image

Jeffrey Jarrard on 2014-12-04 03:09:33

Power BI

Access to Excel powerpivot model to be able to edit/modify model without rebuilding dashboard/reports

Need a page with my uploaded Excel models (or other data sources) where I can download, edit, and re-upload them and refresh the data behind them.
