Power BI
Needs Votes'prompts' the User Before Creating a Hierarchy When Fields are Dragged Onto Each Other
Avi Singh on 25 Jan 2019 09:37:41
How many times have you dragged a field onto another field by mistake and have it create a hierarchy?
It happens quite often. Usually I am trying to drag the field to the Visualization pane but fail to hold the mouse button. And lo and behold it creates a hierarchy. (Which I then have to delete. But sometimes I do not even notice that I accidentally created a hierarchy).
It would be nice if a prompt came up, asking if we want to create a Hierarchy.
- Comments (8)
RE: 'prompts' the User Before Creating a Hierarchy When Fields are Dragged Onto Each Other
RE: 'prompts' the User Before Creating a Hierarchy When Fields are Dragged Onto Each Other
Completely agree and love the 1:2500 ratio. It's a great feature and should be kept in there, but it's so rarely needed. Plus newbies accidentally do it ALL THE TIME!
RE: 'prompts' the User Before Creating a Hierarchy When Fields are Dragged Onto Each Other
Damn this is so annoying. Please add this.
The number of times I've added a Hierarchy on purpose vs. accidentally has got to be 1:2500.
RE: 'prompts' the User Before Creating a Hierarchy When Fields are Dragged Onto Each Other
Would be even nicer to turn off creating hierarchies at all...
RE: 'prompts' the User Before Creating a Hierarchy When Fields are Dragged Onto Each Other
Agree with Avi... Creation the hierarchy accidentally often results in confusion when my colleagues continue to visualize the model I created in Desktop...
RE: 'prompts' the User Before Creating a Hierarchy When Fields are Dragged Onto Each Other
Would like a prompt.. would also like a easier way to release or "throw away"an unintended field
RE: 'prompts' the User Before Creating a Hierarchy When Fields are Dragged Onto Each Other
Yep. Probability of me doing this and meaning to is very very low
RE: 'prompts' the User Before Creating a Hierarchy When Fields are Dragged Onto Each Other
I'm with Avi on this one, although just not doing anything would be my preferred option compared to having a prompt. Maybe we have to Ctrl Select before right-clicking New Hierarchy?