SamRock on 12 Feb 2019 07:07:37
Love the new Dataflow feature! Really transforms the way we used to bring data to PowerBI.
I work for a *really* big organization, we are on Premium Capacity and have to work with millions of records each data. Obviously we also have many teams working on this data, but for different purposes and departments. This brings me to the problem we always have with Dataset and currently with Dataflows too.
We all end up loading the same set of data again and again on various Workspaces (Dataflow) and Reports (Dataset)!
Solution: Why not allow an Organization with say, Premium Capacity, create few Universal Dataflows that can be shared and accessed by other Workspaces. We would use this feature to build an Dataflow that would cater multiple Devs/Workspaces. The access to an "Enterprise Dataflow" can be controlled by the PBI Admin team or Dataflow Owner.
As a developer, I would simply request access to the Ent Dataflow, add it as a Linked Dataflow, customize it to my report requirement!
End result : We all have the same centralized data without having to worry about rebuilding, remodeling dataset and scheduling!
I believe this will be a true game changer for PowerBI Dataflow :)
- Comments (1)
RE: Enterprise Dataflow: Share among all Workspaces
I'm confused...isn't this how dataflows currently work?
I know I can create a new dataflow or dataset that pulls in data from existing dataflows from any workspaces I have access to use. In fact, I have a "Shared Datasets" workspace specifically for this purpose.
Report creaters get Build access, and end users get View access (via app sharing of the workspace).