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More control over report Filters Pane - Hide certain filters from users

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Mathias Thierbach's profile image

Mathias Thierbach on 03 Feb 2017 22:19:55

When designing reports, I frequently find myself dealing with two types of filters:

1. Internal or "technical" filters that are required to make the report work correctly (for instance, a Current Week filter if it's a "Current Week" report)
2. Fields added to the filter pane explicitly for users to be able to interact with them.

The latter is quite important as interactive filtering by highlighting only works for one visual at a time.

Now, the fact that both types of filters necessarily show up in the filter pane, and are exposed to users, is really limiting.

At best, users get confused because there are too many fields available there, and some might not even make sense to them.
At worst, they might change a filter that is not supposed to be for public consumption and break the report.

Please give report authors the ability to hide specific filters from users.

Related - From a user's point of view, it would be much better if the order of filter groups was reversed (Report - Page - Visual). That way, when navigating between pages, the report-level filters would always show up in the same place, i.e. at the top. The current experience is quite confusing.

Administrator on 21 Nov 2018 06:02:40

Ability to hide filters are now part of November release as preview!

Comments (4)
Mathias Thierbach's profile image Profile Picture

112850de 2b74-4d6d-a942-e8cfdb27576e on 05 Jul 2020 23:48:15

RE: More control over report Filters Pane - Hide certain filters from users

There is a confusion now with the filter pane as it is used by developpers and end users. I consider the user experience is still not the best with the filter pane. I would like to have a more flexible solution with the possibility to add the slicers I want. So I developped my own solution.

Please have a look at this one minute video and share your comments there :

Mathias Thierbach's profile image Profile Picture

a3309361 99be-ea11-a812-000d3a8ddfb2 on 05 Jul 2020 23:24:20

RE: More control over report Filters Pane - Hide certain filters from users

Please also add the ability to rename these filters!

Mathias Thierbach's profile image Profile Picture

10e89045 d2c4-423d-958d-8304a0e70c32 on 05 Jul 2020 23:13:08

RE: More control over report Filters Pane - Hide certain filters from users

We need this feature to be applied ASAP, please.

Mathias Thierbach's profile image Profile Picture

1e4da31b 5360-4a92-8360-1fff89a57cc0 on 05 Jul 2020 23:02:23

RE: More control over report Filters Pane - Hide certain filters from users

Hi All,

I think, this idea was very well explained than other related ideas. However, the number of votes is key to notify the relevant team at Microsoft. I suggest that, while keeping this idea active, please add your vote and comment ALSO in the following related idea page which has gained more votes so far.

I think this way we may get this idea implemented faster.

Thank you.