Andy on 23 Oct 2019 20:54:49
Currently you can only install an app automatically if the permissions are granted to specific people.
If you grant permissions to the entire organisation, this option is greyed out.
I don't see why this is the case - and it really limits the usability of both of these features.
For example, I could get a list of all users in my organisation, paste it into the permissions box and then publish the app automatically, but if I use the 'shortcut' option for 'Entire Organisation' then the option is removed?
- Comments (1)
RE: Allow Install App Automatically for Entire Organisation
100%. We are trying to transition to Power Bi rather than SSRS. Many of our reports are relevant to all employees with a Power Bi license. We need these apps assigned to all users. Also we are using Teams to display our App reports. If you have access to the team, you can see the reports. Without having the app in Power bi under your account you use to access Teams, you can not see the report. The users have to log in to Power Bi, add the App, then access it through Teams. Since this rarely happens, they keep asking for the instructions. Having it auto apply to the entire organization means that anyone who has access to the Team can see it immediately with all their other relevant information. If they don't have access to the Team but, they still have Power Bi, they can user Power Bi to access the same information.