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show negative values on side for Treemaps & Pie Charts.

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on 25 Jun 2017 20:57:12

Treemaps tend to be the most common visual used for Drill Down Paths, however when looking at a comparison year I either have to combine years to get too much data, or create a measure for current year but then it doesn't show up with the growth. As a financial analyst I would like to see a side sortable listing of all the negative/zero values(sortable by the color saturation of Sales Growth) so we can display the whole picture.

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e8035b39 7799-4152-916a-acd8657d6587 on 05 Jul 2020 23:08:17

RE: show negative values on side for Treemaps & Pie Charts.

I agree, that showing negative numbers is key to completing visualizations within both Pie Charts and Treemaps. The same approach/logic/functionality you refer to, can be a powerful addition for stock analysts as well.