Power BI
NewWe need the ability to create scatter plots charts with lines instead of dots. Connect the dots!! The line chart axis options don't work
Andrew on 21 Apr 2016 00:15:24
We use the scatter plot line option in Excel, we would like to see the same option in PBI Desktop. Currently the Desktop only displays the scatter plot using dots, we would like the same function but using a line instead of dots. The line chart visualization doesn't allow for plotting separate value columns as axis as the scatter plot option does.
- Comments (3)
RE: We need the ability to create scatter plots charts with lines instead of dots. Connect the dots!! The line chart axis options don't work
Yes! Desperately needed - unable to use line chart because the X-Axis is a measure and the line chart will not accept it as an Axis.
Would also like options for the line: Step, Smooth, or normal the dot as needed!
RE: We need the ability to create scatter plots charts with lines instead of dots. Connect the dots!! The line chart axis options don't work
I agree that we need the option to plot with lines instead of or with the dots. I also agree that we need to be able to make the dots smaller.....they are way too big.
RE: We need the ability to create scatter plots charts with lines instead of dots. Connect the dots!! The line chart axis options don't work
Same complaint/request here. Completely useless without a line. And the points are WAY too big as well. It's like it's only designed for sales guys.