Power BI
NewWorkspaces should have a QA/Staging environment built within the workspace instead of two workspaces for one production workspace.
Jeff Gilbertson on 06 Nov 2018 06:50:53
Each workspace should have all three environments, dev, QA, prod built into it. Transferring dashboards & reports across workspaces via PowerShell is not a very good solution.
Dev could be done either on the desktop or the service. Only members and contributors can see content in this space. The ability to QA inside that same workspace would benefit enterprise workspaces. Only members, contributors could view the reports and dashboards.
When ready, we need the ability to then promote to prod. The app is nice, but we need multiple apps for each workspace. Admin & members should have the ability to share individual reports and dashboards from the app or prod workspace.
Essentially the workspace needs to be separated into the three environments; dev, QA, prod.
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RE: Workspaces should have a QA/Staging environment built within the workspace instead of two workspaces for one production workspace.
Why have multiple workspaces when developers should be able to complete the life cycle within one workspace.