Tom Urwin on 31 Jul 2018 19:37:04
Traditionally with ODBC connections, we are able to use a service account and key on the gateway server. This allows refreshes in the cloud without using a personal account. Our user accounts in BigQuery authenticate via a third party IdP where MFA and IP restrictions are in place.
When setting up data source credentials for a BigQuery dataset, it only shows an OAUTH2 option which then takes us to a Google username/password logon.
We need to be able set up a data source using a service account and key instead.
- Comments (9)
RE: Refresh BigQuery data sources using a service account
is there any workaround for this?
RE: Refresh BigQuery data sources using a service account
Totally agree
RE: Refresh BigQuery data sources using a service account
I agree!
Will now explore the option to write BigQuery results to a Google (my)SQL table and fetch those from Power BI using ODBC credentials...
RE: Refresh BigQuery data sources using a service account
Totally agree, using my user account makes no sense.
RE: Refresh BigQuery data sources using a service account
I see this as a major shortfall of PowerBI. Service accounts are always better to handle access.
RE: Refresh BigQuery data sources using a service account
This could be a step chance in adopting PowerBi across our corporation, but time is of essence.
RE: Refresh BigQuery data sources using a service account
its always better to use a service account to gain a better control
RE: Refresh BigQuery data sources using a service account
This would be a great feature to add. Right now we have to publish a data set from a user instead of a service account. We need the ability for Direct Query and Import to BigQuery data sets to be published and refreshed with a Google Cloud Service Account. We need this on Power BI Service and Desktop.
RE: Refresh BigQuery data sources using a service account
Same here, looking for a solution.
Even thou in Simba ODBC driver we configured with Service and a P12 file (we would prefer a json also) when configuring the gateway, it requires user/password.