Power BI
NewEnable Service refresh of Web.Page(Web.Contents without a Gateway like Json.Document(Web.Contents connections
Emmet on 25 Jan 2018 02:21:16
Please update the Web.Page data source connection to enable credentials to be entered directly into the Service vs requiring a gateway.
I ran into this issue while deploying a report that used two Web connections. One required Basic credentials and was connected to an API that returns a JSON payload, the other was to a simple anonymous web URL. The URL that required Basic credentials could be configured directly in the Schedule Refresh section but when adding the Web URL it required the use of a gateway to access the anonymous site.
Looking into the issue more, thought both are setup as Web connections in Desktop, in Power Query they are:
Source = Json.Document(Web.Contents("...API URL here..."))
Source = Web.Page(Web.Contents("... anonymous URL here..."))
- Comments (1)
RE: Enable Service refresh of Web.Page(Web.Contents without a Gateway like Json.Document(Web.Contents connections
I think this issue is solved. NOTE: It's necessary to use Web.Contents () and Html.Source () as described here: https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Issues/Error-on-apply-Power-Query-Expression-in-partition-n-a-in-table/idc-p/1086206/highlight/true#M56645