Power BI
NewCreate a filter option to prevent users from seeing all data on report. Should only allow the display of results based on filter parameter
Nene Addo Nartey on 11 Oct 2015 23:09:06
Can we please have a checkbox option not to allow the display of all records or total figures on default template? Some users in my company are required to view only information that pertains to their filter code. This is essential to safeguard sensitive corporate info and also to prevent snooping on information not within user's purview.
Another checkbox option to prevent multiple selection of filter parameters would also be very helpful at instances where only one parameter (eg. user id, category id, manager id) is expected for input.
- Comments (1)
RE: Create a filter option to prevent users from seeing all data on report. Should only allow the display of results based on filter parameter
Yes please, the Power BI function we create requires a checkbox, because if a checkbox is required, it causes less confusion when we want the user select only one option at a time, user does not need to deselect the previous selected option then select the other. In the current case we need to have a short briefing to user what to do, and even have done that user may have not deselected the option by mistake, which causes wrong info shown in the business data, strongly requesting! Thanks!