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Calculated measures in multi-dimensional SSAS cubes

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Marc Bellanger on 21 Jun 2017 21:37:36

There appear to be a few posts requesting calculated measures in 'cubes' which seems to get interpreted as a request for tabular cubes in the feedback and completion of the task. But we need the ability to add custom calculated measures in Power BI when directly connected to a multi-dimensional SSAS cube.

Whether it is enabled through MDX or DAX, this would open the door for us. Our company (and I'm sure many others) have deployed a few hundred MDX cubes over the years but we don't want to start customizing them all to include every little calculation that a user of the cube dreams up. The customizations would never stop. The fact that PBI doesn't allow custom measures on multi-dimensional cubes is a huge hindrance to our adoption of Power BI.

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Comments (3)
Marc Bellanger's profile image Profile Picture

40b175d4 4692-4000-8cac-db674f80a9a0 on 05 Jul 2020 23:18:30

RE: Calculated measures in multi-dimensional SSAS cubes

Totally agree with Matt there

Marc Bellanger's profile image Profile Picture

fac49558 555e-419e-bae1-dbf7336fdc39 on 05 Jul 2020 22:52:14

RE: Calculated measures in multi-dimensional SSAS cubes

I think it's the same:

Marc Bellanger's profile image Profile Picture

fac49558 555e-419e-bae1-dbf7336fdc39 on 05 Jul 2020 22:52:14

RE: Calculated measures in multi-dimensional SSAS cubes

sorry...this one: